Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentines Weekend and an Adventure in Food:

Last Friday was Valentines Day, and I must say that it was the best Valentines Day I’ve had so far! My sweetheart and I began the afternoon by cuddling in front of Netflix and contemplating what we would do for dinner. We (after short deliberation) decided that we would rather cook our own dinner than eat out due to the fact that we both enjoy cooking, dislike crowds, and appreciate the opportunity to save a bit of money. This decision required that we make a trip to our local HEB for some groceries and inspiration. Before I proceed in the story you all should know something about my sweetheart and I, WE ARE SO BAD AT MAKING DECISIONS WHEN IT COMES TO FOOD! This is true because neither of us have strong opinions on what we prefer to eat because we both like pretty much anything. We also care more about making the other person happy which means the phrase “I don’t care, whatever you want!” gets said a lot. Finally, we both have so many good ideas about what we should make that we can’t choose between them. This lack of decision making leads to hour long trips to the grocery store and the trip on Valentines Day was no exception. So, after what seemed liked forever we left with the ingredients to make steak and pesto pasta. We than spent the greater majority of the evening cooking and having fun together.
The next day we found that our desire to cook and eat good food had not died. So we decided to use the left over steak for steak tacos!! This required yet another trip to the store for taco shells and salsa ingredients. While we were at the store we saw that the strawberries were only $1.25 a lb! So naturally we bought 2lbs of strawberries, some angel food cake, and whip crème for our desert.

After that night’s feast we found ourselves left with a ton of limes from the salsa and a lot of uneaten strawberries. Being the indulgent and overzealous people we are, we decided to take on the task of making fresh strawberry limeade. It turned out GREAT thanks to the recipe we found on the blog Foodie With Family!

Sunday rolled around and we couldn’t get the amazingly sweet and tart taste of the drink out of our minds so we resolved to make a second batch, and this time I took pictures so I could show y’all the process and just how pretty it looked. 

I would recommend using a citrus juicer because this step took way too long and gave us hand cramps. Go try it!

Tell me what you like to cook in the comments below. I love trying out new food and I'm excited to hear what ya'll enjoy!

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