Monday, April 14, 2014

Quidditch World Cup 2014: The Drama Continues In The 427th Opening Ceremony

Welcome Quidditch fans one and, all short and tall, I gladly introduce to you...  The 427th Quidditch World Cup!

 This past weekend marked the beginning of everyone's favorite international sporting event. With the introduction to the World Cup there was a headline in the Daily Prophet that read "Disastrous Opening Ceremony Leads to Questions About Quidditch World Cup Security." Now I wont go into detail about the contents of the article because there is no doubt that you already know every word. But for the few of you that got a bludger to the head and failed to read it, you can find a copy here.  All that I will say is that competition is fierce and that more wizards would do well to pick back up their copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them.

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